| | | Jul 05, 2011 - Posted By: Peter | |
Although we have now done over 200 interviews, we were keeping our 100th interview open for a true adult superstar. We really couldn't think of anybody better to give the honor of being our 100th interview to then Tori Black
Tori Black has always been extremely popular on Barelist, and just this week she moved up to being the 5th most popular model on Barelist all time. With almost 10,000 models on the site, this is an amazing accomplishment. Tori also has the ability to do just as well in harcore scenes as she does in full on glamour modeling. We just love when a model can do that, and there are nobody that can do it better than Tori Black. Tori has also been on most of the major adult sites inclduing Twistys, Naughty America, Digital Desire and Penthouse. She has also been honored by just about every major industry award, including AVN, XBIZ and FAME award wins. We would really like to thank Tori for doing our interview, and please make sure you keep checking her profile page for all of the newest Tori Black picture and video galleries. Also please take some time to visit her personal site : Tori Black's Official Site |
| What was your first job?
My first job was a solo shaving video for Score Group, way back in 2007. Couldn't believe anyone would want to watch me shave!
How and when did you get into the adult industry?
I got into the industry in 2007, answered an ad I found online looking for adult models. I guess I was just curious as to what they’d say to me, never really thought I’d go through with it, but once they told me they’d pay for my ticket the idea kept growing on me.
How does your family feel about your decision to be an adult model?
Like most families would; they wish I would've chosen something better, that relies more on my brains than my body, but they’re happy I have my health and they know that as an adult I make my own decisions.
If you had not joined the adult industry, what do you think you would be doing now?
I think I’d be working a sales job, or something that required people skills… I’m a good talker ;)
Do you get recognized in real life?
Once in a while, not too often do people come up to me, not sure if that means they don’t know who I am or they’re too embarrassed to come up to me in public.
Do you prefer video or photo shoots?
I think it depends on the day. Sometimes photo shoots can be very expressive and fun, almost like play time. But video can be fantastic as well. Like I said, depends on the day, the mood.
Where is the most exotic location you have shot at?
As much as I hated it, (shh don’t tell) I think Shane’s World took me to my favorite place. Harmony took me to a beautiful manor in Wales, but I think it lost me because February in the UK is pretty damn cold, LOL.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your body?
I don’t like to look at myself that way, it breeds nothing but negativity. It’s far easier to see flaws than it is to try and give myself some accolades. I like my freckles but I don’t like my moles. Ha! There you go.
Who is your favorite adult star (past or present)?
I don’t really have one. I think I’m more a fan of sexuality than I am of porn, per se. I never watched anyone in particular.
What is your favorite sex toy?
Vibrator. Easy. Only because it can be included simultaneously with a cock or a tongue.
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What kind?
Nope. Don’t have the dedication for it. Sex is my workout, and I live an active lifestyle. But, no, I don’t spend time specifically dedicated to working on my physique.
Where did you go on your last vacation (not work related)?
Hawaii. Oh my God it was perfect. Four Seasons on Maui to celebrate his birthday. They upgraded us to one of their best rooms, it was like a dream.
Do you have any pets?
I have three; two cats, Prima and Kenya, both bengals, and I have a bulldog named Chance.
What is the last book you read?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I love being a new mom :-D.
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show? Song?
No, I usually watch NatGeo, Animal Planet, Food Network or a movie. Nothing guilty about that, however, I listen to Nikki Minaj… and she is my guilty pleasure. I love hip-hop and she doesn’t really exhibit the quality I usually look for and expect, but something about her I like.
What is your dream car?
I want a Bentley.
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I love Cracked Coconut Martinis. Their nickname is “crack.”
What are your favorite brands of jeans? Shoes?
Jeans - Marciano, Shoes - Louboutin.
Do you have a hobby that would surprise most people?
I love to watch DIY network, I can’t wait to help build my own home, and by build I don’t mean decorate, ha. I think construction is fun!
Do you have any special talents?
Several, but if I told you, I’d have to kill you!
What's your ordinary day like? A day in the life of Tori Black...
My life is kind of boring to most people. I’m a stay at home mom right now, my son is only 4 months. I work on occasion, but mostly I do things from home. I like walks in the park and I can’t wait to get my yoga-in-the-morning routine going… One of these days!
What's the best way for your fans to contact you? Twitter.com/misstoriblack and therealtoriblack.com.
What are the best sites to see your work? Toriblack.com is the only place to be!

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