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Lezley Zen
Super hot porn star Lezley Zen spends some time with Barelist
Jan 31, 2014 - Posted By: Peter
Lezley Zen is a stunning adult model and porn star who has always been one of the most popular models on Barelist since day one. Lezley has a stunning body and just fully keeps your attention in all of her scenes, it's really no surprise to us how popular Lezley is with our visitors. She has shot for most of the major adult sites including
Naughty America
as well. We would really like to thank Lezley for doing our interview, and make sure you stop by her
profile page
often to see all the newest Lezley Zen picture and video galleries.
What was your first job?
First job was training horses in South Carolina .. I lived in a barn for 2 years while doing that.. It was amazing!
How and when did you get into the adult industry?
I got in the biz in 2001 when I was doing an amateur night at a strip club and an adult star was featuring there and told me I would be good at it.
How did you come up with your stage name?
I came up with my stage name my first weekend in LA I had a bi curious friend named Liz and by the end of the night we were calling her lezzy Liz and in a slightly buzzed state turned into Lezley Liz.. So we all decided Lezley was perfect and zen went with the tattoo on my back.
How do your friends and family feel about your decision to be an adult model?
My family and friends weren't too shocked about me in the biz.
What does it take to make it in a tough industry like the adult business? What important lessons have you learned so far?
I enjoyed my time in the biz but it isn't an easy biz. Lots of ruff times and lack of money management .. You have to remember it's not going to last forever.. You have to find out what your end game will be and set yourself up for life after the biz.
Is there anybody special in your life? Or are you looking for somebody at the moment? If so, what do you look for?
I'm a relationship type of girl so I'm in a relationship now :)
If you had not joined the adult industry, what do you think you would be doing now?
If I hadn't gotten into the biz I would probably own my own restaurant by now.. I was a restaurant and hotel manager for years and loved it.. I'm hoping to find my way back to that soon :)
Do you get recognized in real life? Any funny stories?
I do get recognized a good bit actually.. Most people are really cool about it so I chat for a bit or share a shot and we go our separate ways :)
Do you prefer video or photo shoots?
I prefer photo shoots more than video .. I love posing :)~
Where is the most exotic location you have shot at?
I've shot in almost every situation and location you can think of but we did a movie that was in a huge old abandoned warehouse once for wicked and that was really cool!
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your body?
The favorite parts of my body are my feet legs back arms and face.. My least favorite would have to be my butt and my stomach.. Hardest places to keep tight and toned and I tend to be lazy lol I don't work out regularly ..
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What kind?
I play beach volley ball and golf and I'm always eating lolol.. I do have tons of energy though so I feel that helps keep me lean :)
Where did you go on your last vacation (not work related)?
I actually went home to Charleston for the first time in 8 years this past august 2013.. It was a great golf vacation :))
Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats and 2 dogs :) Pitbull and a mini long haired dachshund
What is the last book you read?
Last book I read was "Raising Atlantis" read it in 4 days lol
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show? Song?
I don't have ONE guilty pleasure tv show.. I have like 50 lol Apple TV is very dangerous.. Especially when you can download all the shows to your iPad while you travel
What is your dream car?
My favorite car is a BMW X6.. Saving to buy one currently ;))
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
My favorite alcohol drink is fireball whiskey shots.. But other than that sweet tea flavored vodka and water is my go to .. Or anything with vodka.. I also enjoy a smooth red from time to time :)
What are your favorite brands of jeans? Shoes?
Favorite jeans is hard.. Anything I try on that looks good?
Do you have a hobby that would surprise most people?
I have lots of hobbies.. Volleyball, golf, eating.. Trying to throw away old clothes even though I want to hoard them until they make a comeback
What is something about you that not too many people know?
People who know me know this.. But people who don't might be surprised.. I'm very fun loving and childish.. But I have a very serious hard headed side too.. Hence the Zen :)
What's the best way for your fans to contact you?
Best way for anyone to reach me is ??
What are the best sites to see your work?
Naughty America
are the best sites to see my work.
Image Courtesy of Brazzers
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I love you.
Posted by: BtnTBoy on 1/14/2018 1:41:26 PM
Oh Lezley please please PLEASE may I have sex with you??
Posted by: jdrg on 6/4/2016 8:44:59 AM
You are too sexy and boobs are so good.
Posted by: Harender singh on 10/24/2015 5:40:43 AM
You are an absolutely gorgeous woman. I would love to make love to you, slowly and thoroughly.
Posted by: A on 12/16/2014 2:54:18 PM
You are beautiful
Posted by: Anon on 8/24/2014 12:46:17 PM