| | | Jan 24, 2011 - Posted By: Peter | |
We love love love Aaliyah Love here at Barelist. From day one she has been one of the most supportive models, and has always been behind what we're doing at Barelist. It's only fitting that she is one of the first models to do an interview, as she was one of the first to do a shoot in our Barelist Cami.
Aaliyah started off her career as a cam model and has gone on to be on the of the biggest adult models around. Having done the whole cam scene, Aaliyah really knows how to interact with her super loyal site members... giving them all the attention they could ever ask for. Check out Aaliyah Love's official site here: Aaliyah Love's Official Site... |
| What was your first job?
I started baby sitting when I was in 5th grade! I found a bike abandoned in the woods near my house and I took it home and cleaned it up and rode around my neighborhood putting up flyers I had made advertising my “professional and affordable babysitting services”. I used to run home from the bus stop after school and jump on my bike and ride off to my jobs! I think I charged $4 an hour. That was big bucks to me back then!!
I also started working at a local pet store when I was 15 years old. The youngest age to work there was 16, but I have always been very convincing and charming I guess:)
How and when did you get into the adult industry?
When I was 18 I started webcamming. I did that for about 4 years until I even thought about opening my own solo girl website.
How does your family feel about your decision to be an adult model?
I think my family learned years ago that I'm going to live my life the way I want, learn my own lessons (usually the hard way!) and be who I am, so they love me and accept me and what I do no matter what! As long as I'm being safe, healthy and happy that's all that matters to my Mom and Dad :)
What is your favorite sex toy?
It changes. For awhile I was obsessed with glass sex toys.. Some of my best friends are glass blowers and they custom made me all sorts of fun dildos.. I had one that I did anal with that said "Fuck My Ass" I also had 20 dildos with AALIYAHLOVE.COM written on them and I handed them out at a porn convention to all of my fav girls, that was a big hit! (So they could think about me while fucking themselves..gotta love that!)
But lately, and usually, my go to toy if I want to cum hard and fast is a Hitachi Magic Wand.. those things are AMAZING! I bet every girl you send this question to will mention Hitachi.:)
Who is your favorite adult star (past or present)?
I have so many.. I can't just name one! I love watching Sasha Gray, Bree Olsen and Jenna Haze because they always are genuinely horny and cock/pussy hungry, which sooo turns me on! I'm also a huge fan of Japanese porn! :)
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What kind?
I try to..sometimes I get lazy hehe.. but I just got back into doing yoga regularly, 3 times a week I take a yoga class, which I LOVE! I also walk at least an hour a day with my dog. It's a pain in the butt to live in an apartment with a huge dog (140 lbs) but he gets me up and out everyday!:)
Where did you go on your last vacation (not work related)?
ahhhh I could use a vacation right about now!! I've been dreaming about taking a cruise with some of my gfs for a while now! Of course I'd be trying to shoot porn somewhere on the cruise ship and lots of candid pics for my website.. Every vaca I take is a little work related, I'm constantly taking pics/vids for my website where ever I go:)
Do you get recognized in real life?
Yes I have been recognized just a couple of times, I even wrote a super long blog about every time in my blog at http://blog.AaliyahLove.com if you really want all of the funny details! Let’s just say I am usually dressed like a homeless person in sweatpants and no makeup every time I get recognized. Why?! LOL!
Do you have any pets?
I have 1 doggy, his name is Caspian, he weighs 140 lbs. He's a big mean guard dog and my best friend:)
What is the last book you read?
I just finished Never Let Me Go and I loved it! I wanted to read the book before seeing the movie..now I'm not sure if I even want to see the movie, it might ruin it for me!
Do you have a guilty pleasure tv show?
Oh yes I love bad reality "trainwreck" tv.. it's DEF a GUILTY pleasure, cause it's such crap, I can't even admit to you which shows in particular.. it's THAT bad hehe:)
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I don't drink much but when I do, I like to drink what my friends call "The Aaliyah" which is just Bacardi, pineapple and cranberry. It's almost like a Malibu Bay Breeze, only better:)
Do you have a hobby that would surprise most people?
I am about to start horseback riding English/Jumper style. I used to ride horses when I was younger, but haven't since I was probably in 5th grade! I have missed it so much and dream about it all of the time, and one day I woke up and said to myself "stop dreaming about it and DO IT! What's stopping you?!" So I have been shopping and collecting all of the gear that I need.. my first lesson is a week away.. I'm SO excited and nervous..wish me luck!:)
If you had not joined the adult industry, what do you think you would be doing now?
I would be a preschool teacher living on the East Coast. I'm 2 years into an Elementary Edu degree and I quit my job as a preschool teacher when the 1st webcam website I was working for at the time asked me to be their full time spokeswomen. But I try not to think about "woulda, coulda, shoulda" because everything happens for a reason and I'm very happy with where I am right now:)

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