One of @MsTeagan's fantasies? Being restrained & taken by a woman. A pic frm #TnA. A scn w/ the sexy @andysandimas. 6:18:59 PM
ZAN WIT DAT LEAN PT 23/3/2014 5:45:59 PM
LOL @MODSUN jlwebsites @Med2cool4u skee 5:31:59 PM
Tour in a few days! 3:18:59 PM
Excited I get to see my boo @andysandimas this week:)3/3/2014 2:18:59 AM
@NicaNoelleNews Awww thank you!3/2/2014 8:18:59 PM
just wanna travel and take some pics3/2/2014 8:18:59 PM
Sybil Sadie3/2/2014 8:18:59 PM
@NicaNoelleNews you look adorable3/2/2014 8:18:59 PM
When will u decide to do better with your life?3/2/2014 8:18:59 PM
Jennifer Tilly like '92 ??3/2/2014 7:18:59 PM
@FastRonaldTX wtf which spot?3/2/2014 6:18:59 PM
@ItsReallyJuicy IS THIS REAL3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
@andysandimas have you heard Slap my Elbows over the Look At Me Now Beat?3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
Been puttin in work on the new @machinegunkelly video w/@MODSUN @SativaBeanie @Med2cool4u @JLwebsites3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
@MrAndIthankYou @JuelzVentura @XANAXDREAMS miss u dude3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
@andysandimas in 'POV Pervert 11' 6:18:59 PM
Day 452627 still searching for the male @andysandimas3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
@c_ertz @MODSUN pretty sure I'm going3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
If @MODSUN brings @andysandimas to Omaha.. I may think of attending3/1/2014 6:18:59 PM
One of @MsTeagan's fantasies? Being restrained & taken by a woman. A pic frm #TnA. A scn w/ the sexy @andysandimas. 6:18:59 PM
ZAN WIT DAT LEAN PT 23/3/2014 5:45:59 PM