@thecarlotta @geaimages instagram.com/p/BylJDgcH7p1/…
I'm always forgetting that I should post on twitter. This outfit and a selfie set in it is going to a lucky fan... for more info check out my top tier at patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/989HT2G65B
16 patrons and I'll post a bonus throwback set! patreon.com/thecarlotta $1 gets you access!
New patreon updates! $5+ patrons now have access to new nsfw portfolio work!
patreon.com/thecarlotta Photo by dumuziel pic.twitter.com/C3Gbpu4owT
New photo by @girlsonglass
If you like what you see, head over to patreon.com/thecarlotta for the nsfw content ;) pic.twitter.com/TxNl0j2fae
Come check out my uncensored nsfw photos and videos.patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/VYMiVSFfBg
Wouldn’t get up this early to shoot for to many people but @thecarlotta is definitely one of them .
@geaimages instagram.com/p/Bzar1xonNi3/…
She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends...Photo by calebchic pic.twitter.com/V83C4R7DO6
Bonus throwback set will be posted later tonight for patrons $5+.
patreon.com/thecarlotta Photo below by @thtaylorphotography pic.twitter.com/NhrR76zQjC
So IG decided I cant do swipe up links anymore in my stories...meh. that site sucks now. If yall want to see my work that is too sexy for social media, come visit patreon.com/thecarlotta
I just posted a throwback set for all patrons pledging $1 and higher as a thank you for helping me get over the 400 patron hurdle!
patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/KklAN6HiX0
@thecarlotta @geaimages see uncensored images on her patreon/Carlottachampagne instagram.com/p/BzBeCXaHbGS/…
Check out the rest of this nude photoset by @stevevuoso for only $1 (plus 15+ other sets). patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/SuMuZUyF8W
PATREON GOAL REACHED! 15+ photoset vault is now unlocked plus a brand new set by @stevevuoso for only $1 currently we are at 391 patrons, if we reach 400 patrons I'll add even more bonus content!patreon.com/thecarlotta
Yes @ carlottachampagne
Good morning!
9 patrons away from a content party! Wanna see a bunch of playboy style images, video, snaps etc? patreon.com/thecarlotta Pic by @stevevuoso pic.twitter.com/b8kxMgGGgz
@IncredibleCulk true story, about 3 or 4 times a year I have a recurring dream that I run into you at Denny's and you invite me to join you for breakfast. We have pancakes, good convo and then I leave. Fuckin' weird.
11 patrons away from my monthly goal! When we reach it, all patrons $1+ unlock access to 15+ photosets plus a brand new one! patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/X4qlmGWmkY
I'm starting to give up on IG. That site has literally shut down my entire industry :( to see my work please follow me at patreon.com/thecarlotta where im not being censored constantly... photo by girlsonglass pic.twitter.com/XkxbLyvkuu
New work by calebchic! To see the nekkid stuff, come visit me at patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/j5KDIr1Bnx
@thecarlotta @geaimages instagram.com/p/BylJDgcH7p1/…
I'm always forgetting that I should post on twitter. This outfit and a selfie set in it is going to a lucky fan... for more info check out my top tier at patreon.com/thecarlotta pic.twitter.com/989HT2G65B