#Gemini likes to help other people especially those who need a friend or are lonely.
Become a subscriber to my profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand…! Someone new just joined...and the next one could be you. ;) pic.twitter.com/UIp7tNqMkv
7/28/2019 8:02:02 PM
A subscriber just rebilled on fancentro.com/moniquealexand…! Love their loyalty! pic.twitter.com/3lyCZjVzfD
7/28/2019 6:02:02 PM
A brand new subscriber just joined my personal FanCentro profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand…. Come on, all the cool kids are doing it ;) pic.twitter.com/ZDeLkNC1NH
7/28/2019 4:02:02 PM
Yass! A new subscriber JUST joined my profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand…! Love it! pic.twitter.com/BoB3Rm9HhN
7/28/2019 1:02:02 PM
My personal FanCentro profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand… (as if you didn't know!) got another rebill! Woohoo! pic.twitter.com/ATaD7VFvDH
7/28/2019 6:02:02 AM
Awesome! I got a new rebill on fancentro.com/moniquealexand…! Love my subscribers! pic.twitter.com/t6qpWGuIyg
7/28/2019 4:02:02 AM
Another rebill on my personal profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand… by a loyal fan! ;) pic.twitter.com/0PVcAY8BGD
A lovely someone rebilled on my personal profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand…. (happy sigh) pic.twitter.com/uiuHBQYfqK
OMG! Got another subscriber to my profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand… just now! pic.twitter.com/ch2Tjkz4Bi
Yay! My profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand… has a new subscriber. pic.twitter.com/4DzLUPmowq
Someone on my profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand… just rebilled...how awesome is that? pic.twitter.com/U07rr8588q
There’s a dog on TikTok who is friends with a crow and it’s like a real life Pixar movie pic.twitter.com/EGenNDGfSz
NYC peeps???? pic.twitter.com/PMLYpZb3sI
Yikes. bit.ly/2Y3uCHQ
She makes it look so easy! It is not lol ?? especially for someone with a small booty. That’s me ????? I’m that person haha ?? twitter.com/tanaleaxxx/sta…
4ocean Bali is still our motivation. #4ocean twitter.com/4oceanBracelet…
Find the time to read, to smell the flowers, to paint your dreams, to have coffee with a friend, to learn a new craft, to write a letter, to bake a surprise cake, to go somewhere special, to really be with the person you love, or even do nothing for a while… pic.twitter.com/D7GqvQcfI5
Depression is a very serious mental illness. Ppl with concealed depression are battling demons within themselves all on their own. They are not sharing their struggles & do not want to burden others. I can not stress enough the importance of checking on those you care about
Heartbreaking footage shows how pollution has ruined this baby turtle’s home pic.twitter.com/B7fP5wXWVR
#Gemini likes to help other people especially those who need a friend or are lonely.
Become a subscriber to my profile fancentro.com/moniquealexand…! Someone new just joined...and the next one could be you. ;) pic.twitter.com/UIp7tNqMkv
7/28/2019 8:02:02 PM