| | | Sep 01, 2011 - Posted By: Peter | |
Veronica Ricci has always been one of our favorite glamour models, and her ranking on Barelist shows that we're not alone. Veronica has just done some truly amazing photo and video shoots, and has been shot by all of the top glamour sites like Twistys and Digital Desire. She has a very sultry and exotic look to her, and seems to be incapable of taking a bad picture. We were really excited to have Veronica do our interview and would like to thank for her taking some time out of her day to do it. Also make sure you keep checking her profile page for all of the newest Veronica Ricci picture and video sets. |
| What was your first job?
My first job was as a hostess at a small family owned historical themed restaurant and my last job before adult stuff was being a nanny.
How does your family feel about your decision to be an adult model?
Most of my family has accepted it- however a lot of them are conservative and we just don't talk about it. that works better even though they are aware.
If you had not joined the adult industry, what do you think you would be doing now?
If I didn't have the option of the adult industry I would probably have gotten grants to go to school for science. I have an interest in science and a love for it. Or I would be a drone at a bank or something to pay the bills.
Do you get recognized in real life?
I have been recognized before but generally not maybe I have weird hours and generally am not in the exact same outfit and styling I am in photo sets seen to the public.
Do you prefer video or photo shoots?
I like photo shoots because sometimes it's more artistic and erotic but video shoots are usually faster.
Where is the most exotic location you have shot at?
most exotic location thus far is probably Japan. That was mainly artsy stuff with some sensual stuff in there.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your body?
Favorite - ass and face (haha). Least favorite- ass and face (both are expressive in their own way and indicative of how I am doing in life).
Who is your favorite adult star (past or present)?
Favorite adult star- probably Sasha Grey. She has a certain allure about her... Bree Olsen always semt genuine and fun to fuck as well...
What is your favorite sex toy?
Favorite sex toy- Lelo brand vibrator and not because I get any commission for saying this- I just think they make quality products that you can charge. I like not having to buy batteries :)
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What kind?
I do exercise but I switch it up so consistency isn't really a factor here. Sometimes it's hiking in hills, sometimes gym work outs, sometimes dance classes with friends.. I like to switch it up so I don't get bored.
Where did you go on your last vacation (not work related)?
Last fun vacation was New Orleans- that was fun and family visiting only (which is also fun sometimes).. I went on a few haunted history tour and whatnot and had a great time. And no it was not mardi gras.
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show? Song?
Favorite tv shows are Dexter, Shameless, family guy, Conan... Guilty pleasure might be the occasional True Blood and also I enjoyed Legally Blonde (a movie but nonetheless not one I expected to enjoy)
What is your dream car?
Dream car: right now I will say a Chevelle.... It changes
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Favorite alc beverage: between Gin and tonic and vodka pepsi. I love tonic with gin better taste wise though.
What are your favorite brands of jeans? Shoes?
Favorite brand of Jeans and shoes varies- if I go to a mall or shop- I like whatever fits me best then.
Do you have a hobby that would surprise most people?
Hmm.. If I do porn for most of my living then I'm not sure my hobbies of reading, traveling, writing lists and checking them off, hunting elves would surprise anyone... ;)
What's your ordinary day like? A day in the life of Veronica Ricci...
An ordinary day in the life of me, Veronica Ricci... Varies day to day. A normal day where I am not traveling to see family or feature dance would entail me doing some running around my neighborhood around 11am after a long drawn out wake up process involving caffeine and slapping myself with water, then some reluctant stopping and saying I should just run later but persisting a little more then some working on online stuff such as various bookings I have to tend to each day, then some volunteering on some days or going to this Buddhist temple by my house (I like it there. It's peaceful and no one judges me. I am what I yam there.) then if it's a certain month I am working on class work. But this summer I took off so it's been more house work and work stuff only last few months.. That's why I say my day to day life really changes on when you ask.
What's the best way for your fans to contact you?
Best sites to contact ME on is really twitter at this time- twitter.com/VeronicaRicci I check that a lot and am most active on that
What are the best sites to see your work?
VeronicaRicci.com is down as of right now to come out better so it is nothing much to look at as of now but will change as soon as I can. I will announce it on my twitter LOL

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| | | Visitor Comments: | | | | | | |
|  | Can I get in line to be your fuck buddy?
| Posted by: Anon on 10/14/2014 3:42:50 PM |
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|  | I hate the guys that are lucky enough to have fucked you | Posted by: Marv on 5/14/2013 9:50:41 AM |
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|  | I sooo want to have sex with you and fondle you all over | Posted by: Joanne on 7/11/2012 1:26:33 PM |
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|  | Saw your interview for the Mac Chick of the Month and fell in love. You favorite car (at the moment) is a chevelle? I used to have a 1970. I think I'd like to be your stalker! (jokes of course)
| Posted by: Kris on 9/2/2011 3:55:00 PM |
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