| | | Jan 15, 2016 - Posted By: Peter | |
Jessica Jensen is a stunning British adult model and porn star. Jessica has an amazing body capped off with a stunning pair of large natural D cup breasts. She has also won and has been nominated for numerous adult industry awards. Jessica has branched out into mainstream acting as well, being featured in such big productions as Game of Thrones. Jessica has already been shot by such large names in the adult industry as Playboy and Hustler, and we are sure in the next few years she'll be popping up everywhere. We would really like to thank Jessica for taking time out of her day to do our interview, and make sure you stop by her profile page for all the newest Jessica Jensen picture and video galleries. Also make sure you take some time to visit her official site: Jessica Jensen's Official Site |
| What was your first job?
My first job was in an electrical store.... I was shit as I didn't have the first clue about reversible drills or variations of hoover bags. I was actually pleased when they fired me after two weeks.
How and when did you get into the adult industry?
I started doing glamour then worked for one of the online babe channels that asked me if I would be interested in doing a live girl/girl show as a Christmas special for their viewers. I did it, really enjoyed it and then went on to shoot countless more scenes. I'd say I officially entered the porn industry at the beginning of 2012.
How did you come up with your stage name?
I'm not very creative so my friend helped me to come up with it.... I feel sad writing this now as he is no longer one of my best friends and we haven't spoken in months.
How do your friends and family feel about your decision to be an adult model?
Most of my non industry friends think it's awesome, although I have had hassle from some people I went to school with both online and in person when I've been back to visit the town I grew up in. My parents were not thrilled at first and this was part of the reason I decided to move out of the house I lived in with them, but now I think they have accepted it and my mum knows I am safe, independent and enjoying life so I am pretty sure she is happy for me.
What does it take to make it in a tough industry like the adult business? What important lessons have you learned so far?
You have to be thick skinned really because you are likely to face a lot of criticism in this business as a lot of it is based around your body/looks... It's sad because I know girls who are so passionate about their job but because their physical appearance is not considered "ideal" for whatever reason, they struggle to get work. That sucks. As for important lessons, I have learnt that there are a lot of "sneaky" people in this industry who are pretty ruthless and are only out for themselves... Which I wouldn't say is an awful thing as of course as a lot of us are self employed, we need to make our money, So I just take things with a pinch of salt and are wary of people. On the other hand though I have made some amazing friends in the adult industry who I hope will stay in my life for a very long time to come!
Is there anybody special in your life? Or are you looking for somebody at the moment? If so, what do you look for?
I have not long come out of a really psychologically and emotionally abusive relationship with a man in the uk porn industry so not really looking to jump into another romance. Although there is a guy not in the adult biz that I have my eye on ;) Sense of humour and intelligence are the main attributes I look for in a partner.
If you had not joined the adult industry, what do you think you would be doing now?
Probably still working in an office, or in a better scenario- A pet shop or animal shelter as I just love all animals! I used to work in an office but my attention span isn't great, so I doubt I would ever feel happy doing that job! However, I have recently began to make a transition into mainstream film and tv work having recently had a small role in series 3 of Game Of Thrones. I am also currently working as a prankster/comedy actress for the uk's three biggest prank YouTube channels, Trollstation, Barry Bee Tv and Twattery which I can honestly say I love and wish I could do every day!
Do you get recognized in real life? Any funny stories?
Yes i have started to get recognized quite a lot now. I have not got so many "funny" stories in regards to this, however there is an extremely annoying bloke who lives at the end of y street who shouts, "alright Jessica?" at me every time he sees me as I walk past, despite the fact that 9/10 times I point blank ignore him, as when I am out and about doing my normal shit and ya know- enjoying my life- I don't need some bald geezer constantly yelling my stage name at me.
Do you prefer video or photo shoots?
I guess video shoots as there is no awkward topping and starting (usually) so I can just go with the flow, plus I love acting and being in front of the camera-. I also see myself as being a performer more than a model!
Where is the most exotic location you have shot at?
I shot at a gorgeous house in Barcelona last year with a swimming pool, big garden to jog round and lots of animals splodging about! I plan to go back in 2016 as it was so much fun. There is a lovely mansion too in Bolton which i have hot at a few times nd always enjoy being at.
What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your body?
My favourite has to be my nose as it is just SO small an straight. Jokes, it's fucking massive (But I wouldn't change it). I like my boobs as they are large but natural and I always get complimented on them. I also like my hair as it is long and thick. Also my teeth as I paid a shit load of money for them! I am not too keen on my feet- I wish they were smaller. Plus I broke my toe when I was a kid without realizing. It repaired itself and now is stiff and won't bend. Lovely.
Who is your favorite adult star (past or present)?
Ummmm I don't actually have a favourite. I think Ben Dover is really funny, and like myself, he has done a fair bit of comedy and mainstream work.
What is your favorite sex toy?
Magic wand I would say.
Do you exercise on a regular basis? What kind?
Yes, I go jogging and swimming a fair bit plus recently have started going to the gym and using the weights and treadmill. Swimming is my fave though as I love being in the water, plus it makes me feel good and at my local health club I an chill in the hot tub after or get a massage!
Where did you go on your last vacation (not work related)?
Fuck, that was a long time ago. Errrrrrr, I think it was Butlins, Minehead in 2014 with my parents. I only stayed three days however, as I was crazy for my boyfriend at the time (Sadly the one who turned out to also be my abuser) and I didn't want to be way form him for too long.
Do you have any pets?
Yes 2 cats at my mum's house, Jack & Scampy. Both are 5 years old but Jack can't meow, a.ways wears the same facial expression, has one eyebrow (His nickname is OneBrow Jackarius- reason being blatantly self explanatory) and generally thinks he is an OAP. Scampy on the other hand looks like a little girlie kitten, has an eyebrow overload, enjoys wearing women's knickers (Yes really) and dribbles with his tongue out a lot. The vet said he is "special". Not a million miles off the famous YouTube feline, Lil Bub.
What is the last book you read?
"Why does he do that?" by Lundy Bancroft. It is a guide for victims of domestic abuse to try and explain why their partners behave in such a manner. Very emotional narrative and I can only read a few chapters per day as it hits very close to home in regards to my own personal experiences.
Do you have a guilty pleasure TV show? Song?
Yeah I fucking love the Harlem Shake and also have been known to grip the edge of my seat whilst watching "Catfish" on MTV.....
What is your dream car?
Not really "up" on cars but one of those with the rotating doors would be swish and a sly bit swanky!
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I love Cider and Pimms & Lemonade. Sometimes I enjoy shots although I have recently cut back a lot on drinking as I used to go a bit overboard with it, leading to me being barred from a fair few places around Kent and London!
What are your favorite brands of jeans? Shoes?
To be honest, I am not too concerned about designer brands- As long as they fit and look nice I don't care if they cost £20 or £50!
Do you have a hobby that would surprise most people?
Ummmm well I look pretty innocent, but I love dark erotic/disturbing horror fiction (Nothing illegal). I also used to enjoy knitting and may take this up again in the future.
What is something about you that not too many people know?
Probably what is referenced in the above question. Also, there was a time when I would suffer panic attacks every time I went out due to a drinking problem I had in 2014. Luckily this is in the past now and I enjoy a happy, healthy lifestyle! Also I can't cook for shit, although I am hoping a night class may help ti rectify this.
Do you have any special talents?
I'm really good at hula- hooping. Also I am extremely good at sarcasm and cutting people down when they are rude to me or someone I can clearly see is in the right.
What's your ordinary day like? A day in the life of Jessica Jensen...
Boring really on a day I'm not working. I get up and check my emails, then go to the supermarket and purchase a ready meal (Usually Iceland's finest £1 chicken and sweetcorn pasta bake- Top notch). Once this thrifty yet delicious delicacy has been consumed, I then usually do some online promotional work for myself, usually followed by a trip to the health club to go swimming and use the spa.
What's the best way for your fans to contact you?
Via my Twitter @jessica_jensenx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessica.jwork.3
What are the best sites to see your work?
My official website: www.officialjessicajensen.com
My pranks/comedy: http://www.starnow.co.uk/emmaelizabeth3
My Adultwork: http://www.adultwork.com/ViewProfile.asp?UserID=1605162&TargetURL=MyDetails%2Easp&NoHit=1
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|  | love to meet her. | Posted by: bipul borah on 3/8/2016 5:52:38 AM |
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