In honor of Trump’s birthday, retweet this. It’s video I found of him in Russia saying he plans to build Trump Tower Moscow, is looking at building in Russia outside of Moscow and says he met with a group of Russians to talk about doing it all. Traitor.
My mom... and her friend did a couple this morning When it was nearly done. I have been trying to entice mpm to do some with me by getting more done. But it was really a difficult one. She wasn't enticed.
Welp, just finished one of the hardest puzzles I've ever done. 1000 pieces and zero uniformity among them. And did 990 of the pieces myself. Feeling a little proud of myself at the moment. Totally useless skill but I'll take it ??
Seeing Fox News only show clips from mueller interview that push their agenda like the Nunes statement, while other news shows questioning or even the full hearing, its more clear than ever why we live in 2 different Americas right now. #MuellerHearings
"Sensational and false news reports about the drug are pushing lawmakers to enact harmful policies." @ZachWritesStuff @maiasz @theappeal
The Time Gloria Steinem Made Bernie Sanders an “Honorary Woman”…
.@Mimirocah1 hey, heard you said that Bernie is anti women. I would like to point you to some history. Thread ??
Pls share and ask @YouTube what the hell is up with this!…
@YouTube what is the point of changing your algorithm to funnel traffic away from progressive media (assumably to combat the right wing fake news) to corporate media, if you are just going to allow complete propaganda in advertisements running on your platform?
When you find that all human beings are just like you, it fosters a spirit of friendship. You’ll find there's less need to hide things, and as a result, feelings of fear, self-doubt, and insecurity are automatically dispelled. What’s more you’ll earn the trust of other people.
Wow the ocean is just amazing today. Light aqua green waves look like crystals and the water is nearly as warm as a bath! Feels like I'm in a tropical paradise. So blessed!
ALL HANDS ON DECK. We need each of you to please consider donating directly to support @CabanForQueens. 100% of this donation goes directly to her campaign and will fund the recount. It starts TOMORROW!Recounts are expensive and we need your help!…
EMERGENCY: The Democratic machine in Queens has waited until the hours before the 4th of July holiday to try to steal the election for District Attorney from @CabanForQueens. They threw out 2,300 votes from Election Day, most belonging to Cabán and now say Katz is ahead. LIES
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" - worth a full read… Happy Independence Day!
You know they aren't "illegal" aliens as you call them. They are just human immigrants who legally crossed the border and requested asylum and instead were put in camps. The term illegal alien refers to willing residence. These people are being held by our government.
You forgot America where human beings are held in inhumane camps, where civil liberties are being decimated, where half of Americans live in poverty while the will of the people is being ignored by our representatives in favor of monied and private interests.…
ICE needs to go. This is devastatingly cruel and inhumane. America is the bad guy here and us Americans need to stand up and fight to save our decency and humanity. These are human beings, just like the rest of us and they're being treated like livestock.…
Exclusive: De Niro, @robreiner, @SophiaBush, @StephenKing, @jvn, and more are cutting through the Trump administration’s lies about the Mueller report
Wow! Just wow!…
Flashback 2011- it's important we question Trump's motivation. We know how he thinks, it's right here! And With war hawks like Bolton & Pompeo whispering in his ear, these conmen & thieves have been salivating to get their hands on Iranian oil and the strait or hormuz.…
In honor of Trump’s birthday, retweet this. It’s video I found of him in Russia saying he plans to build Trump Tower Moscow, is looking at building in Russia outside of Moscow and says he met with a group of Russians to talk about doing it all. Traitor.
My mom... and her friend did a couple this morning When it was nearly done. I have been trying to entice mpm to do some with me by getting more done. But it was really a difficult one. She wasn't enticed.