I wonder what Steve Buscemi’s cum face looks like..
I’m not in recovery. I love vodka.
7/28/2019 7:47:48 PM
I’m a mamas girl
7/28/2019 7:47:48 PM
@kimmygrangerxxx stay sarcastic, humorous, vibrant, witty. #laughtisthebestmedicine
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
My pussy is too fat for small cute tight shorts I’m so irritated. I don’t get a cute little camel toe. I get a god damn moose knuckle like some kind of big balled barbarian ????
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
Thank you omg ????????
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
I know talent when I see it. You're complex, nuanced, intelligent, somewhat tortured, self-aware, and you've already transcended porn despite being one of its biggest stars. You are indeed the real deal.
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
@kimmygrangerxxx is my dream girl. ??
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
I guess when you bundle it into a little paragraph like that ?? twitter.com/denizenthird/s…
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
@kimmygrangerxxx is my dream girl
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
Thank you!!
7/28/2019 6:47:48 PM
@kimmygrangerxxx I just recently discovered your Twitter feed and must say that it’s consistently funny, honest & direct. One of the reasons I enjoy this industry - people. It’s like not living behind a veil. So thank you!
7/28/2019 5:47:48 PM
Receiving random beautiful messages like these from people really keeps my spirits up. Thank you for always showing so much love?? pic.twitter.com/2YsejAdt0W
7/28/2019 4:47:48 PM
7/28/2019 1:47:48 PM
Yup twitter.com/chrismwebb/sta…
7/28/2019 11:47:48 AM
Onlyfans.com/kimmygrangerxxx pic.twitter.com/4XEiL6Tegu
7/28/2019 10:47:48 AM
Me: mmm yes daddy put me in my place.. Also me: WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO?! *throws plate*
7/28/2019 9:47:48 AM
Tonight when the AA meeting was over and we all stood in that creepy ass circle and joined hands, I started singing “bahoo doray dahoo doray..” from the grinch movie and only one person laughed. Tough crowd tough crowd...
7/28/2019 12:47:48 AM
Glad I can help ??
“My pussy is having a mental breakdown” -@kimmygrangerxxx What do I do with this creature ??
I wonder what Steve Buscemi’s cum face looks like..
I’m not in recovery. I love vodka.
7/28/2019 7:47:48 PM