I feel so happy to have my jewelry back in place. onlyfans.com/lovemialittle
We are only $186 away from the big 10K! (And just one backer away from 50.) Who will tip us over our next milestones? indiegogo.com/projects/chemi… pic.twitter.com/Eu62mq2LYa
2/4/2019 3:34:34 PM
This is so sad. Shadowbanning contributes to silencing performers ??
I'm online and available to talk! Talk to me live at vrfd.co/MiaLittle
Maybe because I follow the trafficking narratives but, it amazes me that people are gobsmacked by this. They've been doing this for years twitter.com/Jess_cns_escor…
Sweet abundant fruits onlyfans.com/lovemialittle
Oh, hello @Marriott.
Your insistence on targeting women is sexist.
Your inability to separate sex work from sex trafficking is putting sex workers in danger.
Your surveillance of your guests is inhospitable.
This is more disgusting than bedbugs.
You’re on blast. pic.twitter.com/dc1t6RCdsD
SWs everywhere. Super Bowl sweeps are here! Please work carefully, screen if you're able, be aware, and most of all, trust your instinct! The task forces will be out in full force setting up online and doing street sweeps. Many le's are taking part in many cities - be careful!
Oh. I forgot to add- People in flat out abusive relationships. Where maybe the abusive partner is thought to be a trafficker Bc they are controlling the other partner. Now all you’ve done is accuse & piss off a dangerous person who’s now alone in a hotel room with their Victim
Im sure there’s several more folks at risk with this policy, but I only thought about it for 10 mins. So this is off the top of my head, the worst that can happen. Remember, these trainings are intentionally vague, and will be implemented by people who have personal prejudices. pic.twitter.com/PDwqI8vsi5
We’re in the middle of a sex trafficking panic, and now @Marriott hotels and some other businesses are “training” employees to spot signs that someone is an escort or trafficking victim. Someone asked “what’s the worst that could happen?”Here’s my guesses:
While we wait and hope we can get our Instagram account back, we created a new backup one. Follow us on @xo__hub#instagram #censorship pic.twitter.com/9edE8efLWN
All of this. Highbrow/lowbrow distinctions both rely on and uphold racist & classist hierarchies - and they are not determined by actual differentiation of content, but by who produces and consumes the art or media in question. twitter.com/AyadeLeon/stat…
Ok, so this is official. We got deactivated again... Barely 20 days after being deactivated “by mistake”. What kind of joke is this???Hey @instagram if you think censoring EDUCATIONAL platforms is ok, then YOU NEED US MORE THAN WE NEED YOU#instagram #censorship #sexeducation pic.twitter.com/BuPX6vP2Vg
It is clear that as the war ramps up on #sexworkers , they will use the “save the kids anti trafficking rhetoric” to justify their position. Ignoring the fact that they are driving #trafficking victims further under ground and that #decrim would give them voices to report
Here’s how you know this is bullshit. In one breathe they say they are doing this to help trafficking victims, and yet they are targeting women traveling alone... So who’s trafficking them then? This is an out right attack on sex workers. Thank you @PaceSociety for reporting this twitter.com/PaceSociety/st…
Daaaaannggg I need more excuses to be in LA so I can eats at @hicuties
V much want to find a foot loving subby who also likes hot candle wax. Feeling like melting something hot hot hot onto a squirmy enthusiastic sub.
I’m wanna be a whore until I’m a bag of bones
Men who claim to be “slaves, cum whores, sluts” turn off the tube sites and go serve a sex worker or partner in real life. I’ve lived the life you crave so badly and I’m tell you, it’s worth leaving the damn house.
I feel so happy to have my jewelry back in place. onlyfans.com/lovemialittle
We are only $186 away from the big 10K! (And just one backer away from 50.) Who will tip us over our next milestones? indiegogo.com/projects/chemi… pic.twitter.com/Eu62mq2LYa
2/4/2019 3:34:34 PM