Canines Mf. I have the teeth of a canine do you not have ?? can you not see. Bitches aren't quite. We are loud and proud. Protect mine.1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM 10:43:50 PM
I'm done... You killed me again. Bye1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@Skiinnee ?? pls don't, your beautiful.1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@godofpornstars this is not how I live and I will not.1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@godofpornstars your sucking the tears out of me again and I'm swelling up with anger and hate. This is how I know you are unsafe1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@_RobbinYoung @chrisbrown think what you want. Your opinion means something to me only if you understand me. If you don't, I can't help you1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@Hossoladss @_RobbinYoung @JJ_Mastermind33 @chrisbrown when you want to entice someone you like what do you do? You flirt, send pics, etc..1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@Hossoladss @_RobbinYoung @JJ_Mastermind33 @chrisbrown you guys he sent it to me bc he knew it would make my heart and something else throb1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@Kagneytweets I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion-Alexander the Great1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@jeffmossberg you are adorable1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
I just want to get back to being bunny Yall that is all ??1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@godofpornstars trust me we both have been noted as worse.. That's the least of my worries1/12/2015 5:51:50 PM
@_RobbinYoung @JJ_Mastermind33 @chrisbrown are you Twitter ??? Didn't think so.. Here's a suggestion .. GO FUCK YOURSELF1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
Bitch fuck you I am discreet until something misplaces me from my peace. If I'm barking you better believe Mf there is a damn good reason1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
I'm not sure he even requested me it was sort of fluke that I even saw him that evening1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
Plus it was not a 1on1 situation.1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
I had never courted a man like Chris b4. And I love black men, my ex was 6'3. I'm trying to explain to you that I was mesmerized.1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
Bitch got some big ass teef1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM
These are not veneers ???????? 4:51:50 PM
Canines Mf. I have the teeth of a canine do you not have ?? can you not see. Bitches aren't quite. We are loud and proud. Protect mine.1/12/2015 4:51:50 PM 10:43:50 PM